
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Heaven is for Real dvd Based conversation kit.

After reading Heaven is for Real you can help but be very obsessive about heaven and how real it is. My junior high sunday school class have read the book and discussed it in great detail so when the dvd based conversation kit became available I jumped on it.

Pro's---You can't watch the Burpo family and not believe them. It erases all doubt. This is just a normal midwestern family who love Jesus and are very brave in telling their story. No doubt this has effected their lives.

Con's---The conversation kit is way too complicted. The dvd is conversation starter enough. If you followed the plan in the book it would just be boring and repeat itself. I think the whole thing just needs simplied and it would be so much easier on the leader of the class.

My junior high boys had mixed reviews but all in all kept their attention. That is quite a feat for 14 year old boys!

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