
Monday, May 17, 2010

Wonders Never Cease by Tim Downs

The best part about belonging to Booksneeze is that you get books that you would never normally pick out. This is the case with Wonders Never Cease. It looked interesting, I picked it out and wow was I glad I did. From how quickly it is passed from friend to friend tells the story. It is a book that you just can't put down! I read it cover it cover in hours!

Do you believe in angels? It is a question we all ponder and this is a great novel exploring that wonderful concept.

The story is believable, the characters are lovable (or in some cases unlovable) and Mr. Downs writes a riveting story. I have been fascinated with angels every since reading Angels by Billy Grahmn. Reading Wonders Never Cease makes me believe in them even more!

If you love a great novel this book is for you! I highly recommend it!

I received this book from from Booksneeze publishing. I was not required to give a favorable review.